Logback more appenders

is appenders for Logback. You can logging to DynamoDB, Fluentd and more with the logback appender.



Install jars from Maven2 repository

Configure your pom.xml:




  <!-- [Optional] If you use The Fluentd appender, You need to add the dependency(fluent-logger). -->

  <!-- [Optional] If you use The Amazon DynamoDB appender, You need to add the dependency(aws-java-sdk). -->


Configure your logback.xml

You can find configuration files example here:

Creating Amazon DynamoDB Table

Before you use The Amazon DynamoDB appender, you need to create the table on DynamoDB:

AWS Console -> DynamoDB -> Choose region -> Create Table ->

Table Name: [Table name described in logback.xml]
Partition key: "instance" as String / (Hash Attribute)
Add sort key: "id" as Number / (Range Attribute)


Apache License, Version 2.0